How do I add or edit Life Threads?

Adding New Life Threads

Your person's life has many threads, from the things and groups of people most important to them to how they made others feel. As an admin, you can customize the Life Threads for your person's LifeWeb, which are used to organize the memories so they are easier for everyone to explore and build on over time. You'll see them displayed like this when you share a memory

To manage Life Threads for your person's LifeWeb, follow these steps:

  1. Log in with your Admin account
  2. Click the "Settings" button and select "Life Threads" under Admin Settings

Screenshot of where to find Life Threads in Settings menu

  1. Now you can "Add Life Thread" or manage existing Life Threads.

Screenshot of Life Threads management form in Settings

We'd love to help you capture the unique threads of your person's life. If you'd like assistance in adding custom Life Threads to their page, contact us directly to let us know what additional threads you'd like to include. Or, we'd love to help you come up with some ideas! To get you started, check out our list of suggestions here.

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